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This page contains answers to common questions handled by our support staff, along with some tips and tricks that we have found useful and presented here as questions.

Note: In these answers we will follow a few shorthand conventions for describing user-interface procedures. Key combinations will be presented like this: Ctrl+Alt+Delete, which means that you should press and hold down the Control key and the Alt key, and then press the Delete key once before releasing all three keys. Menu selections will be presented like this: File|Open, which means that you should open the File menu, and then make the Open selection.

How do I change the Documents that Ace Professional Plus for Windows uses for each booking ... ?
I asked for one thing and something completely different came up. What should I do ... ?
Why doesn't the Nett Deal part of the New Booking form appear in the Booking Form ... ?
How can I change the content of Documents such as Contracts in Ace Pro Plus for Windows ... ?
How can I add my own Pictures to the system so that they are displayed on the Main Form ... ?
How do I stop the Ace Professional Plus for Windows system from checking for Overdue Contracts, Messages or Deposits on Startup ... ?
I keep getting an error message ' "05-Aug-00" not valid date'. What is the problem?
Is Ace Professional Plus for Windows compatible with Windows 2000 and XP ...?

How do I change the documents that Ace Professional Plus for Windows uses for each booking... ?
To change the default documents, select Options from the Main Menu. Then select the Docs tab. Each type of document has a drop down list from which you can select the document you wish to use for bookings made in the future.
However, this will not change bookings already made which must be changed individually. To change the documents for specific bookings select Bookings | Bookings from the main menu. Then click the Find button, enter the contract number you wish to change, and click the OK button. Once at the appropriate booking, select the Documents tab which contains a set of drop down lists just like those on the Options dialog. Simply select the documents you wish to use for that booking.

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I asked for one thing and something completely different came up. What should I do ... ?
This is almost always caused by the Indexes being unsynchronised with the Data. Indexes are used extensively to provide fast access to your information, just like in a book. If you looked up a recipe in the index of a cookery book and the index was wrong you would end up with the wrong recipe when you turned to that page.
The Indexes are stored in memory and can be thrown 'out of synch' by anything from power surges to faulty memory chips. Because this can happen, all Vertical Software products that use indexes have a 'Rebuild Indexes' or 'Re-Index' option. In the Ace Professional Plus range you will find the option under Utilities in the main menu.
Simply select the option and the system will rebuild the indexes for you. If you ever get a response you do not expect from the system, you should ALWAYS reindex before doing anything else. This will almost always resolve your problem on the spot.

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Why doesn't the Nett Deal part of the New Booking form appear in the Booking Form... ?

The New Booking Form is not a direct Data Access Form. It is actually a Wizard style Form designed to assist you to make anything from a single booking to several hundred bookings all at once.
In the case of a Nett Deal, the system creates two contracts - one between the Agency and the Client and another between the Agency and the Artiste and allocates a Sub number to the contract number. So, for example, the first half of the booking could be 2000.0.0, and the second half 2000.0.1. To make changes to either part of the nett deal simply go to the appropriate booking and make the changes.

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How can I change the content of Documents such as Contracts in Ace Professional Plus for Windows ... ?

In order to do this at the moment you need either to have a copy of Crystal Reports or to get Vertical Software to make the changes for you. Small changes are Free, and complex changes are made at very reasonable cost - for a quotation contact or fax your rough draft to +44 (0) 870 755 7610.
We are in the process of changing this system to make it easier for Documents to be changed by the user, and to increase the current printing speed. This will be implemented in a later release. Under that release it is anticipated that the user will be able to either use a built in Editor or Microsoft Word or any other word processor that can properly handle the .rtf File Format. Watch the News page for details of when the new version will be available.

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How do I add my own Pictures to the system so that they are displayed on the Main Form ... ?
You can select a single picture by selecting it from the Menu. To do this select Utilities | New Picture | Selected and select the picture from the standard dialog that pops up. Note that if you click on the file name on the left of the dialog a thumbnail of the image will be displayed on the right.
If you wish to add multiple pictures you have two choices. Either change the folder the system searches for Pictures to the one where you currently store them or copy the picture files you wish to use to the current Pictures folder.

Changing the Picture Folder:
Select Options from the main menu. On the Paths page of the Options Dialog change the Picture Path to show the new folder you have decided upon. You can either type in the new path or click the button beside the Picture Path to browse for the folder.

Adding Pictures to the Current Folder:
If you do not know where the Pictures are currently stored, you can find out by looking at the Paths page of the Options Dialog as described above. By default they are stored in the Pictures folder under the Data folder under the Ace Professional Plus folder. If you selected the default location on installation it will be in C:\Vertical Software\Ace Professional Plus\Data\Pictures. Having determined the location of the current folder, simply copy the new pictures into that folder using Windows Explorer or whatever other method you use for copying files. If you are unsure how to copy files, click the Start button on your Windows taskbar, then click Help. When the list of help topics is displayed, type in Copy and then click the appropriate item for the step by step help you want.

Graphic File Formats

Files used with this feature should be in Windows / OS2 bitmap, JPEG, EMF, WMF or ICO format.
Note that by default the picture is automatically stretched to fill the available space on the Ace Professional Plus for Windows main form. Therefore for best results it is advisable to use graphics which are Landscape in format, and are sized in multiples or divisions of 434 pixels (height) x 632 pixels (width). This will result in perfect reproduction each time. Alternatively, use graphics that look good when they have been stretched – for example the Clouds.bmp file provided as a sample. If you use a picture of some people in a narrow graphic, they will become hugely fat and distorted when displayed on the screen!!

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How do I stop the Ace Professional Plus for Windows system from checking for Overdue Contracts, Messages or Deposits on Startup ... ?
All default options are controllable from the Options Dialog, which is the heart of the system.
To change the Startup Checks click Options from the main menu. When the Dialog is displayed, click the Other tab. At the top of the page in a border titled Startup Checks are a series of boxes that allow you to determine which checks are carried out at startup, and how many days should be allowed before contracts are flagged as overdue. If there is a tick in a box, that check will be carried out. If there is no tick in the box it will not.
To change the contents of the Check boxes, simply click on them.

Note: Only users with a Level 9 security clearance will be able to access the Options dialog.

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I keep getting an error message ' "05-Aug-00" is not a valid date'. What is the problem?
Ace Professional Plus for Windows uses the Windows Short Date format when calculating dates. You have yours set to include text instead of just figures. To resolve this click Start | Settings | Control Panel | Regional Settings and then click the date tab. In the Short Date Format section, make sure that the short date style is set to dd/MM/yyyy and the Date Separator is set to /. Click the Apply button and check the display sample, which should now read the current date laid out as 01/01/2000. Click the OK button to confirm the settings and close the Dialog. All will now be well.

Update: Ace Professional Plus for Windows is now able to automatically override Windows settings should it need to in order to ensure data integrity, but will warn you if it has to do so unless you instruct it not to. We recommend that you still make the modification shown above if you receive such a warning.

Ace Professional Plus also uses the Long Date Format to determine how full dates should be displayed in documents. If the format of the date in your contract is not what you want, check the Long Date setting on the same page of the Regional Settings dialog described above.

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Is Ace Professional Plus for Windows compatible with Windows 2000 and XP ...?

As long as yu are using Ace Profesional Plus for Windows version or above, and the Crystal Reports runtime files version 8.5 and above there are no reported problems. If you are using an earlier version both upgrades are available from the Downloads page.

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